Vanlife exclusive: HYMER Concept Car VisionVenture

Vanlife exklusiv: HYMER Concept Car VisionVenture

Hymer GmbH & Co. KG

Innovation meets vision

VISIONVENTURE: 3D-printing, infrared-reflective paint, roof and rear patio with BBQ and pneumatic pop-top roof: developed in collaboration with BASF, the Mercedes-Benz-based concept vehicle VisionVenture breaks new ground in terms of design, self-sufficiency and lightweight construction. The concept car offers a foretaste of what modern travel could be like in 2025. It combines the pioneering spirit and innovation of Hymer with more than 20 innovative materials from BASF in order to offer a forward-looking response to current and future industry trends.

Built on a Mercedes-Benz Sprinter chassis, VisionVenture is a concept vehicle whose integrative front design has created a new motorhome category all of its own, replacing precise contours with harmonious transitions between cab and body. The chassis cowl with its original doors, the headlights and the radiator grille have all been retained, but the windscreen has been shifted further forward and the A-pillar, bonnet and rooflight have been redesigned. A four-wheel drive is included for off-road use. The wheel arch panel and selected body parts are produced using 3D printing techniques, giving them an extremely robust, rubber-like quality. Also new is the ultra-resilient paintwork in striking dark green: the temperature-regulating, energy-efficient Chromacool technology from BASF reduces the surface temperature of the vehicle by 20°C and that of the interior by up to 4°C. It also allows a more individual look, offering an alternative to the classic white.

Innovation trifft Vision – Mit dem gemeinsam mit BASF entwickelten Konzeptfahrzeug VisionVenture auf Mercedes-Benz-Chassis gehen wir neue Wege in puncto Design, Autarkie und Leichtbau. Es zeigt, wie modernes Reisen im Jahr 2025 aussehen kann. Das Concept Car vereint unseren Pioniergeist und unsere Innovationskraft mit mehr als 20 innovativen Materialien von BASF und gibt eine zukunftsweisende Antwort auf aktuelle und künftige Trends der Branche

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